Top 6 Foods Help White Your Teeth Fast - teeth whitening foods to eat
Step by step
Want to whiten your teeth, eat more of these foods!
Method / step
Dark chocolate.
Whitening teeth, eating dark chocolate, counting foods that make teeth whiten
Green tea.
Tannins in green tea prevent bacteria from sticking to the teeth, which prevents the teeth from staining and helps prevent bad breath. Polyphenols in green tea prevent oral acidosis and tissue bacteria. Green tea also increases oral fluoride levels and reduces enamel damage.
Whitening teeth, eating dark chocolate, counting foods that make teeth whiten
Strawberry contains an enzyme that removes stains from teeth. Mix the strawberry chopped with soda powder to make a tooth whitening product. However, Dr. Katz warned that other berries did not have the same effect. Some berries can also cause tooth coloring.
Whitening teeth, eating dark chocolate, counting foods that make teeth whiten
One of the little-known benefits of cheese is that it lowers the pH of the mouth and reduces the acidity of the mouth. This means less chance of tooth coloring and erosion. In addition, the calcium in the cheese helps to strengthen the teeth.
Whitening teeth, eating dark chocolate, counting foods that make teeth whiten
Nutritious and nutritious foods such as nuts help to "scrub" plaque and substances that cause tooth coloration.
Whitening teeth, eating dark chocolate, counting foods that make teeth whiten
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